PRODUCT  Geothechnical test equipment for soil, rock, pavement materials

 Application  Model
 Solid Static Dynamic Triaxial System  STX-50, STX-100, FSTX-100, HCA-100, SDS-100, STS-150, SSH-100,
 TSH-100, TSH-200, MRT-100
 Rock Triaxial System  UCT-1000, RTR-1000, RTX-1000, RTX-1500, HFRTC-100,
 Rock Direct Shear Testing System  RDS-100, RDS-200, RDS-300
 Non-GCTS System Upgrade  Complete system integration of non-GCTS testing systems to work with our
  state of the art electronics and software
 Unsaturated Soil Testing System  USTX-2000, FTC-100, SWC-150
 Point Load System  PLT-100, PLT-110
 Other Applications  Full range of testing systems and sample preparation equipment for soil, rock,
 asphalt and construction materials

 Soild Static and Dynamic Triaxial System  Rock Triaxial System
 Rock Direct Shear Testing System  Non-GCTS System Upgrade
 Unsaturated Soil Testing System  Point Load Testing System

  For more details, please visit the website >>